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Pile of Garbage


Exploring strategies

Don’t Waste Our Earth (WOE) is a collaborative initiative encouraging the exchange of experience, knowledge, and action strategies among different communities, locally and globally, in changing the production and consumption practices, policies, and systems that have given rise to the plastics crisis.

Through webinars, dialogues, and social media, this project examines and celebrates creative efforts within this growing movement -- the different strategies, methods, and tools used locally and globally to address this crisis.  

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400 second exposure using DSS(Deep Sky Stacker) of an Australian night sky in Adelaide_edi


  • Examine different actions and strategies to end plastic pollution.

  • Identify intervention points in the cycles of plastic production, consumption and disposal.

  • Explore lifestyle and institutional pathways through the crisis.

  • Help change the systems and ways plastic is produced, consumed and disposed.

Plastics action in the UNECE region

European EcoForum has been the main organizing body for civil society organizations engaged in advocating for sustainability policies within the Environment for Europe (EfE) process.


The EfE is an environmental ministerial policy arena which, since 1991, has promoted transitions to sustainable production and consumption and a green economy, particularly among countries within the broader Pan-European region. 

EcoForum, ISF and other civil society organizations are working together to help expand the movement addressing  plastics crisis among these countries, in solidarity with the rest of the global movement to end plastic pollution.

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Our Team

Concern is not enough

Image by Marc Newberry

Awareness and concern about the global plastics crisis is growing, but not as fast as the proliferation and impacts of plastic waste in the environment and on human health, with over 300 million tons of plastic waste generated each year (IUCN, 2018).


Many organizations are adopting or advocating policies to address the problem, such as banning single-use plastics. However, we need to pick up the pace among consumers, businesses, governments and communities. Time is critical in adopting alternative practices, products and habits present a wide range of challenges which need to be addressed.


400 second exposure using DSS(Deep Sky Stacker) of an Australian night sky in Adelaide_edi

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